Every new batch of product passes laboratory tests and arrives to us complete with certification of analysis, this way we always know that we supply our customers with exceptionally pure chemicals.
Through our efforts, we supply the highest quality and purity chemicals with most competitive price. Consistent quality, rich experience in exporting, low risk, prompt service and short lead time, all these advantages are winning more and more customers and high market share for us.
We are not the average buy-and-sell business. Our prices are affordable and equal to average prices of research chemicals market. Being dedicated to customers comfort and satisfaction, we always try to meet and exceed customers expectations, offer wide variety of payment and shipping options. We are almost if not the only vendor who ensures packages shipped world wide.
Should any unexpected circumstances occur, our Customer Service team will always support you and find the most suitable solution for any situation. We listen to our customers and take into consideration every feedback and review. This helps us also to develop market, bring new products, offer more and more novelties to our customers.
We have managed to build long lasting relationship with a lot of retail and wholesale customers, their number is constantly growing. Most of the people return to our web-site regularly because they know, here they have wide range of quality products, flexible payment options, fast and insured delivery, secured and comfortable ordering process, prompt and efficient customer service. However, we know there is always space for perfection!
Research Chems Home is a global supplier of high-quality chemicals, laboratory supplies and equipment. All our U.S. chemical manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001:2015 certified. and are also FDA registered drug establishments and operate under current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). RCH has in place the documentation, validation, and qualification systems expected by all quality-driven organizations to meet your regulatory
Laboratory Testing, Quality and Service
Reseach Chems Home team of in-house chemists are proficient in a wide range of current laboratory techniques, including instrumental analysis, wet analysis and microbial testing. Raw materials and finished goods entering our facilities undergo stringent in-house testing to ensure all chemicals and ingredients meet our own high quality standards. We offer industry-leading scientific documentation, validation and qualification systems to support the change control expected by all quality-driven organizations to get products to market safer and sooner. Our sales and support professionals provide outstanding service on laboratory chemicals, supplies and equipment with quality and delivery you can count on every time.